You can manage multiple users in Diyotta Manager with different roles and privileges.

To manage users, navigate to the Users page. On the Diyotta Manager repository, click Admin, and then select Users.

The User page lists the existing users and their status. Following details are displayed in the list.

  • Select - Option to select user and perform Add, Delete or Edit operations.
  • Name - User Name of the user
  • Updated ByDisplays the name of the user who last updated the user information
  • Updated Date - Displays the date and time when the user information where last updated

By default, Diyotta manager is installed with user named admin. The Users page will list only this user till any other user is added.

Add a new user account

Step I: To create a new user account, click Add

Step II: In the Create User page provide details User Name, Password and Status with which user needs to be created. 

  • Name - User Name of the user
  • Status - Status can be set as Active or  Inactive, to activate and deactivate the user respectively
  • Password - Password of the user. Password should include at least one upper case, one numerical, and one special character
  • Confirm password - Type in the same password as provided in password field

Once the details have been added click Save.

Note: If you do not want to save the changes, click Cancel and it takes you back to the Users page. 

Step III: The Message window shows the success message. Click Ok.

Click on cancel, to navigate to users list page

Delete a user account

To delete a user account, select the user and click Delete.

Edit a user account

Step I: To modify a user account details, select the user, and click Edit.

Step II: You can make the required changes and click Update. For reference, here we have updated the status to Inactive

Note: If you do not want to make any updates, click Cancel, and it takes you back to the Users page.

Step III: The Message window displays the success message for update. Click Ok.

Step IV: The Users page displays the updated details of user.

Note: To make the user active again, you can perform Edit action, and set the status as Active. 


  • Search action helps to find the user information quickly. You can enter the username in the search box, and the specific user information is displayed.
  • To assign roles to users, refer Managing User Roles.
  • To group users for assigning similar roles, refer Managing Group Users.